Dear members of PIWI Germany,

we kindly invite you to our General Assembly 2023 am  Monday May 15, 2023 in Bildungscampus 14 at Heilbronn University.

Time schedule

  • From 9 a.m. arrival in the foyer of the event room TV50
  • 10 a.m. Start of the meeting with a welcome by the 1st chairman Andreas Dilger and a lecture on the topic:
    Sustainability management wine – Climate change, digitization and sustainability KliDiNa (EiP-AGRI)
    dr Felix Haesler, DINE eV; Prof. Dr. Ruth Fleuchaus, Heilbronn University
  • followed by a meeting according to the agenda.
  • Around 12:30 p.m. Lunch break with a small snack and wine tasting
  • In the afternoon space and time for a joint dialogue with exciting keynote speeches
  • End around 4 p.m

If you would like to stay for dinner together, please tick the box. A contingent of rooms in the Hotel arcade at the theater do we have until 14.4.23 reserved for you. Please book directly yourself - thank you

Your board of PIWI Germany eV

We will send you the agenda and minutes after registration - but you can also find them in the cloud


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