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Thomas Walk Vineyard, Ireland, Co.Cork
Ireland - Southern Ireland

Winery description:

Thomas Walk Vineyard is a small private winery in the south of Ireland and is not open to the public for reasons of respect for privacy. Thomas Walk has been involved in wine-growing there since the 1980s. According to general knowledge, he is the first to have successfully planted red grapes outdoors in Ireland without a greenhouse and turned them into wine. The viticulture, as well as the expansion take place exclusively according to ecological and sustainable principles.
Please note that there are no opportunities for sightseeing, wine tasting or buying wine. Please only contact us using the German contact details below.

However, Thomas Walk is available to you by email at for further information.

Advice and sales are carried out exclusively by:
Thomas Walk Vineyard
Herstallstrasse 37
D-63739 Aschaffenburg
Tel. +49 (0) 6021 23190

Ms. Charlotte Weiß and Ms. Ute Herzog will be happy to help you with questions and / or orders.

You can also contact Thomas Walk by telephone and in person by arrangement.

Our wines
Amurensis Walk "Ruby" - 2019
Amurensis Walk - Velvet - 2019 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Amurensis Walk - Rosé - 2018
Amurensis Walk - Rosé - 2018
Amurensis Walk - Velvet - 2018 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR

PIWI International