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Organic viticulture Knechtle Glogger
Switzerland - St. Gallen

Winery description:

At the Buechberg in Thal, Fabia Knechtle Glogger and René Glogger operate consistent organic viticulture out of conviction and the joy of nature. In 2017 they were allowed to take over the business from Edy Geiger. The company has been organically certified for over 30 years and Edy Geiger has been relying on PIWIs - fungus-resistant grape varieties that thrive without the use of pesticides and provide grapes for high-quality wines for just as long. Get to know the variety of unknown grape varieties in this beautiful vineyard! The company offers guided tours and tastings for groups.

Our wines
Cuvée Lisa - 2020 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Cuvée Jana - 2019 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Cuvée Lisa - 2019 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Maréchal Foch Barrique - 2019 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Cabernet Jura - 2018 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Cuvée Jana - 2018 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Maréchal Foch - 2018 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Maréchal Foch Barrique - 2018 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR

PIWI International