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Viticulture Golden Goose
Germany - Baden

Winery description:

We are a small winery in Dielheim with vineyards between Rauenberg and Dielheim at the transition from the Badische Bergstrasse to the Kraichgau. We have been organic certified since 2006 and have only planted PIWI varieties since then. In addition to the Regent, we are committed to the Freiburg varieties Bronner, Johanniter, Souvignier gris and Muscaris. We now have Regent, Bronner and Johanniter in several vats, so that we can also offer more complex wines here.

our wines
2020 Golden Goose Bronner dry - 2020 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
2020er Goldene Gans Johanniter dry the thick one - 2020 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
2020 golden goose souvignier gris dry - 2020 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Golden Goose Bronner dry - 2019 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Golden Goose St. John "The Fat" - 2019 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Golden Goose Hospitaller and Muscaris - 2019 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Golden Goose Souvignier gris - 2019 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Bronner dry - 2018 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Johanniter - 2018 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Johanniter the fat dry - 2018 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Johanniter lovely - 2018
Johanniter lovely - 2018 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Johanniter and Muscaris - 2018 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR
Johanniter and Muscaris - 2018
Souvignier gris dry - 2018
Souvignier gris dry - 2018 - Silver Evaluation sheet according to PAR

PIWI International