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Friedrich Kiefer KG
Germany - Baden

Winery description:

Wine and values: Organic viticulture and sustainable, conventional viticulture are the paths on which the Kiefer-Schmidt story is based. The basis for this? The very special relationship between people, passion and nature, which has set the direction in viticulture in the Schmidt family for decades.

This is how organic cultivation continued to develop and we have now planted 30 % of our own areas with robust grape varieties.

Even our non-bio-certified winegrowers practice very progressive and sustainable viticulture. This includes organic fertilization, greening between the rows of vines rich in species and containing legumes, and avoiding the use of insecticides, herbicides and botryticides.

Of the 120 winegrowers who deliver the grapes to the wine press, about 100 have so far signed the "Sustainable Viticulture" program newly developed by winegrowing engineer Martin Schmidt. The greatest possible renunciation of pesticides and a feeling for the elements of nature must be regarded as a future goal for society as a whole.

our wines
Cabernet Blanc dry - 2020 - Gold Evaluation sheet according to PAR

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